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Tử Vi Lý Số :: Diễn đàn học thuật của người Việt


Dùng Cục để đoán hạn bệnh tật, hạn chết


Elohim's Photo Elohim 03/08/2018

earth 5 si
wood 3 wu
earth 5 chen
fire 6 you
earth 5 mao
water 2 yin
water 2 chou
metal 4 zi

To interpret this, proceed through the following steps: 1. Find your element type from your original chart. For example: water 2 type.

2. Check any year that the small cycle (your age), or even the current year falls into the palace of the above table that contains your element type. This year is ‘not very smooth.’ The memorization poem doesn’t say what type of trouble, but Master Sang’s experience tells him that the trouble is usually related to health. It does not mean you will definitely get sick, but it does mean you are more vulnerable. eg water 2 falls in Chou year or Yin year, or fire 6 falls in You year

3. Check the illness palace for that year. If it has the annual 48 Hua Ji (especially a double Hua Ji) or if stars like 17 Di Jie, 18 Di Kong, 104 Bing Fu, 96 Da Hao, 37 Qing Yang, and 38 Tuo Luo gang up together, this is critical.

4. In addition to this, check if the current year opposes your birth year. For example: a person born in a si year during a hai year. This increases your vulnerability.

5. Also check if the current year opposes the palace of your small cycle (age) ming. For example: your small cycle ming is in chen during a xu year. This is called your consuming year and also increases your vulnerability.

6. Even the element of the branch of a palace or of the branch of the current year can increase vulnerability – when it dominates your element type. For example: if your element type is water 2, when the small cycle illness palace is in an earth palace or during an earth branch year, you are more vulnerable. If your element type dominates the year, it is not as bad; you only feel uncomfortable.

7. If the element of the palace’s branch reduces your element type, you may be moody, but not necessarily sick. For example: the illness palace of a water 2 type person in a yin or mao branch palace (wood).
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